Collection: Superhero eBook Bundle!

Super savings ahead — SAVE 40%

Buy the Guardians Series eBook Bundle at 40% off!

You'll get...

  • Book 1: Accidental Awakening
  • Book 2: Unidentified Phenomenon
  • Book 3: The Rise of Dark Flame
  • Book 4: Ultimate Sacrifice
  • Book 5. Balance of Power

But wait, you can grab more heroic savings — SAVE 46%

Add the first and second books of The Superhero Age series to your cart to earn 46% off the total cost of all seven books!

All three items below must be in your cart at checkout to save 46%

You'll also get...

  • Book 1: Dawn of the Superhero Age (at half price)
  • Book 2: Legend of the Crimson Blaze (at half price)

Remember: All three items below must be in your cart at checkout to save 46%


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